.. _oidc: ************** OpenID Connect ************** Public test client credentials ============================== The following credentials are available for development purpose only: - ``ACCESS_KEY=125070`` - ``SECRET_KEY=f6ff8d394e6185d41834b19210979b897852680cf34700ae4ecb24ea`` This client is allowed to request any scope, the following URI are accepted as ``redirect_uri``: - http://localhost:8000/complete/epita/ - http://localhost:8080/complete/epita/ - - - http://[::1]:8000/complete/epita/ - http://[::1]:8080/complete/epita/ - https://localhost:8000/complete/epita/ - https://localhost:8080/complete/epita/ - - - https://[::1]:8000/complete/epita/ - https://[::1]:8080/complete/epita/ Available scopes and claims =========================== The CRI intranet OIDC provider give you access to the following claims, sorted by scope: - **profile** - ``name``: the user full name as a string (example: "Xavier Loginard"). - ``given_name``: the user first name, may be empty (example: "Xavier"). - ``family_name``: the user last name (example: "Loginard"). - ``preferred_username``: the user login (example: "xavier.loginard"). - ``zoneinfo``: always "Europe/Paris". - **picture** - ``picture``: URI of the user picture, may be empty. - ``picture_square``: URI of the user picture as a square centered on the face, may be empty. - ``picture_thumb``: URI the user picture thumbnail, may be empty. - **email** - ``email``: the user EPITA mail address, may be empty (example: "xavier.loginard@epita.fr"). - ``email_verified``: true when the email is set, false otherwise. - **phone** - ``phone_number``: the user mobile phone number, may be empty. - ``phone_number_verified``: always false since no phone verification is ever done. - **birthdate** - ``birthdate``: the user birthdate as a YYYY-MM-DD string, may be empty (example: "1884-01-01"). - **legal_identity** - ``legal_first_name``: the user first as written on official documents, may be empty. - ``legal_last_name``: the user first as written on official documents, may be empty. - **epita** - ``uid``: the user ID, as an integer. - ``gid``: the user primary group ID, as an integer. - ``old_logins``: list of the user previous accounts username, in case of username update, as a list, may be empty. - ``new_login``: the user new account username, may be empty. - ``groups``: the list of groups the user is a member of, may be empty. Each group appears as a mapping containing the following fields : ``slug``, ``name``, ``gid``, ``kind``, ``private``. - ``campuses``: the list of the campuses of the user, may be empty. Each campus appears as the slug of the corresponding group. - ``graduation_years``: the list of graduation years (promo) associated with the user, may be empty. - **roles** - ``roles``: the list of the user roles as specified in the client configuration, may be empty. This list is summarized in the tables below: +--------------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------------+ | profile | picture | email | phone | +====================+================+================+=======================+ | name | picture | email | phone_number | +--------------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------------+ | given_name | picture_square | email_verified | phone_number_verified | +--------------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------------+ | family_name | picture_thumb | | | +--------------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------------+ | preferred_username | | | | +--------------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------------+ | picture | | | | +--------------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------------+ | zoneinfo | | | | +--------------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------------+ +-----------+------------------+------------------+------------------+ | birthdate | legal_identity | epita | roles | +===========+==================+==================+==================+ | birthdate | legal_first_name | uid | roles | +-----------+------------------+------------------+------------------+ | | legal_last_name | gid | | +-----------+------------------+------------------+------------------+ | | | groups | | +-----------+------------------+------------------+------------------+ | | | campuses | | +-----------+------------------+------------------+------------------+ | | | graduation_years | | +-----------+------------------+------------------+------------------+ +------------------+ | related_accounts | +==================+ | old_logins | +------------------+ | new_login | +------------------+