.. _quickstart: *********** Quick start *********** Starting the application ======================== You will need to have ``docker`` and ``docker-compose`` installed to run the developement environment. The provided ``docker/docker-compose.yml`` file mounts the source files into the docker container so you don't have to rebuild the image each time you want to test your modification. Generating secrets ------------------ You will need to perform this step only once to generate the various secrets needed by this application. You will be asked to provide a value for the Azure OAuth2 secret, you can leave it empty if you do not know it. .. code-block:: console $ poetry install $ cd docker/ $ ./gen-secrets.sh Please input a value for azuread-oauth2-secret: Starting the docker-compose stack --------------------------------- .. code-block:: console $ cd docker/ $ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 docker-compose up --build Using the application ===================== You may now head to http://localhost:8000/ to start using the application. You may sign in as ``admin`` with the password written in ``docker/secrets/kerberos-admin``. Format the code with our standard ================================= We use ``python/black`` as a code formatter. It can be enabled through git pre-commit with the following command: .. code-block:: console $ poetry run pre-commit install Check your coding style ----------------------- We use ``pylint`` to check the coding style. It is configured with ``gitlab-ci`` and produce warnings in gitlab. To check if the project matches `pylint`'s recommendations you can use the following command: .. code-block:: console $ poetry run prospector --profile base