Quick start

Starting the application

You will need to have docker and docker-compose installed to run the developement environment.

The provided docker/docker-compose.yml file mounts the source files into the docker container so you don’t have to rebuild the image each time you want to test your modification.

Generating secrets

You will need to perform this step only once to generate the various secrets needed by this application.

You will be asked to provide a value for the Azure OAuth2 secret, you can leave it empty if you do not know it.

$ poetry install
$ cd docker/
$ ./gen-secrets.sh
Please input a value for azuread-oauth2-secret:

Starting the docker-compose stack

$ cd docker/
$ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 docker-compose up --build

Using the application

You may now head to http://localhost:8000/ to start using the application. You may sign in as admin with the password written in docker/secrets/kerberos-admin.

Format the code with our standard

We use python/black as a code formatter. It can be enabled through git pre-commit with the following command:

$ poetry run pre-commit install

Check your coding style

We use pylint to check the coding style. It is configured with gitlab-ci and produce warnings in gitlab. To check if the project matches pylint’s recommendations you can use the following command:

$ poetry run prospector --profile base